For on-demand and ad-hoc data-engineering services we apply our standard hourly rates of 135 EUR per hour or 1.080 EUR per day (2023). Depending on the seniority level and specialisation of our individual team members, rates can be higher or lower.
For longer term clients we tend to agree on a fixed amount per month that is related to one or multiple days per week for a set period of months. The underlying commited hours are allocated to the development pipeline. Our retainers start at 2.000 EUR per month, which represents half a day per week.
For projects that require significant time allocation over a time-period of 1 or 2 months we often provide a fixed quote for the design, development and deployment of a refactor or new domain model. After the delivery of the project we provide continued support at an hourly rate when adjustments and expansions are requested. Our fixed priced quotes start at 20.000 EUR per project.
We can agree on a specific % of the trailing-twelve-month gross revenue that represents the budget for our specialists to design, build and operate the data & analytics technology stack. Depending on the cash liquidity, long term growth ambitions and complexity of your operations, we agree on a ratio between 1.0 up to 3.0% of your revenue. Within this budgetairy capacity, together we decide on a roadmap of our product-suite and implement all desired functionalities. Once the development phase is over and the operations & maintenance phase starts. The monthly ratio can be reduced to 0.5%, with limited one-off development/adjustment work.